Many Many Thanks #Fashionrevolutionfoundation for giving wonderful opportunity for women SHG of little known villages of Uttarakhand, making hard to meet their needs to show #imadeyourclothes, #imadeyouryarn, #imadeyourscarf to connect with people love to pay little extra for transparent #ethicalfashion #fashionforgood, #slowfashion designer working hard to promote #newcirculartextileeconomy fashion for future and organisation #fashiontakesaction, #reducerecyclereuse.
One garbage truck of textiles wasted every second

"Every second, the equivalent of one garbage truck of textiles is landfilled or burned. An estimated USD 500 billion value is lost every year due to clothing that’s barely worn and rarely recycled.
Lets start shopping sustainable. Why not add some new pieces to your wardrobe without breaking the bank?
If you have some items in your closet that you’re ready to let go of then you're in luck! Our women SHG, do #haulternative to reshape less your used clothes with the help of our ethical designer for their #sustainable living.
Dev Ethical Sustainable Craft and Textiles appeal to people from any where in the world, who care for good environment for our future generation and fair wages to #whomakesyourclothes to send their used clothes for us to do #haulternative. They have wonderful opportunity to give their #design which will be done by our women SHG.
#Ethicaldesigner are welcome join us for #haulternative suggesting new product development from old cloth to the #fashion of their like for an international appeal.