Dev Ethical Sustainable Crafts and Textiles (DESCATUK) organized NNF Design Competition 2021, during the fashion revolution week 19th -25th April, 2021.
There were five participating categories- women’s, men’s, kid’s, home décor and lifestyle and other’s category. Many participants were shortlisted for further stages of competition.
In kids’ category, creativity was endless. Participants designed apparel collection for different age groups. Right starting from casual wear till ethnic wear, different categories of apparels wear created.

A winner on the last day of fashion revolution week was announced. Jinanshi Shah, Hardi Desai and Arva Mandiwala from Nirmala Niketan College of Home Science, Mumbai, Maharashtra, were the winners for Kids category. There experiment with innovative thermochromic and photochromic dyes along with modular kids fashion made the whole project unique.

NNF is good for kid’s apparel as the feel of the fabric is soft and supple. It is 100% chemical free thus making it suitable for babies also.
NNF design competition 2021 marked a change in kids fashion, thus making kids apparel category more sustainable and circular.
Stay tuned for our next blog on NNF Design Competition 2021- Men's category….
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Contributors- Kalyani Mohadikar and Kalyanee Thatte